A Guide To Disinfectant Fogging

 The standard of personal hygiene and sanitation has risen in recent years. High traffic areas with multiple people touching objects necessitate more attention, which has increased the demand for cleaner surfaces and more competent disinfection methods. 

Disinfection supplies such as wipes, sprays, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach have never been more popular, and it is easy to see why given the critical role they play in combating microbial contamination. 

This article will teach you about Disinfectant Fogging, a method of disinfecting an entire room. Although this technology has been around for a long time, it has recently received increased attention due to the shift in higher sanitation requirements.

What exactly is Disinfectant Fogging?

Disinfectant Fogging elevates standard disinfection to a new level. Over-the-counter disinfectants will only disinfect a small targeted area due to the limited size and expulsion capabilities of a typical spray bottle. 

Disinfectant Fogging, on the other hand, produces a wide-reaching mist that covers high traffic and difficult-to-reach surfaces, delivering disinfectant in a single swoop. Disinfectant fogging machine is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of settings, from a small studio apartment to a large business or office.

The way it works

The ULV Fogger (Ultra Low Volume) works by converting a liquid antimicrobial solution into a vapour. The vapour is then dispersed to the desired areas by a fan. 

As more vapour is dispersed, a thick mist or fog-like atmosphere develops, hence the term fogging. The fogging application will cover anything it comes into contact with, including surfaces, floors, and hard-to-reach areas that are frequently overlooked. 

Airborne pathogens are also combated by disinfectant fogging as they pass through the air and land on a surface. After disinfection, all hard surfaces are wiped down to remove excess solution. 

After being fogged, a recently disinfected home or business should be evacuated for at least six hours.

The Advantages of Disinfectant Fogging

Dust, bacteria, and viruses naturally accumulate in your home or business over time. Germs can be found everywhere, but they are especially dangerous in high-contact areas. 

High contact areas are the objects and surfaces that you and other people come into contact with the most. 

Doorknobs, table tops, and light switches are prime examples. Because of the high volume of traffic that passes through these areas, they are ideal breeding grounds for germs and easy exposure points for cross-contamination. 

The more people who touch an area, the more likely it is that bacteria will be left for the next person to pick up. Fogging can apply disinfectant to large areas, including high-contact areas, reducing the likelihood of germs spreading between people.

Other areas to be concerned about are the small nooks and crannies in your home or business that are rarely cleaned because they are difficult to access. Despite their remote location, difficult-to-reach areas continue to collect germs and may still come into contact with people. 

To disinfect contamination, fogging technology eliminates the need to move furniture. As the fog passes through the crack, it adheres to the surface, dispensing disinfectant as it does so. Disinfectant fogging saves you time and effort while still cleaning hard-to-reach areas.

The most significant advantage of Disinfectant Fogging is its ability to clean areas of all sizes with ease. Because they are simply spray bottles, over-the-counter cleaning supplies have a limited area-of-effect, as previously stated.

 The ULV Fogger is responsible for Disinfectant Fogging's ability to cover entire buildings. As a result, it is the ideal fogging application for businesses. Employees, clients, and visitors frequently visit businesses, exposing everyone to viruses and bacteria. Routine fogging can reduce the amount of pathogens in the building, lowering the risk of contact.

The versatility of Disinfectant Fogging is advantageous whether you own a restaurant, have employees in an office building, or want to deep clean your home. You can use it as frequently or as infrequently as you want; it all depends on your needs. 

Disinfecting Fogging can be used as a full-service, routine measure or as a supplement to the cleaning you already do on your own. Disinfecting Fogging provides you with peace of mind, and with today's higher sanitation standards, that is something worth calling about.

How Do You Get Ready for Whole-House Disinfection Fogging?

If you are thinking about using Disinfectant Fogging, here is a checklist to help you get ready. The applied solution, like having your home bug-bombed, is completely safe for you and your family, but protocols must be followed. The following are some steps you should take before receiving service:

Remove everything from the counters that you can.

During service, dishware and utensils should be stored. Remember to keep an eye out for misplaced items such as coffee pots.

Toys for children and/or pets should be stored or removed before service.

After dispersing the fog, your Mitigation Technician will wipe down every surface, but performing your own wipe after service is always recommended as an extra precaution.

It is recommended that your business or home remain human-free for six hours following the service. This includes the evacuation of pets.

The preceding list is intended to serve as a general guideline for fogging. Please ask your Mitigation Technician for more information and any additional steps you should take during service.

When it comes to disinfection, fogging is an extremely effective tool that can assist any business or home in maintaining a high level of sanitation. 

The benefits and efficiency of industrial strength equipment can save you time, labour, and money, but most importantly, it will provide you with peace of mind. 

Surface disinfection has become increasingly important in maintaining a safe environment for your guests and clients in recent years. 

It is important to note that, despite its advantages, fogging has not been shown to kill the Coronavirus. That being said, using every tool at your disposal to reduce your risk and prevent the spread of infectious germs is a prudent precaution.

Bill Howe Restoration & Flood is a full-service restoration company that has been providing Disinfection Fogging services for over a decade.

 Mitigation Technicians are well-trained professionals who will gladly answer any questions you may have. Bill Howe is a company you can trust with your sanitation standards because of its years of experience and well-informed staff. Call or book an appointment today.


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